This is What You Get is a Live Album in which the set consists entirely of songs by Radiohead. The album was recorded at SKAlloween 2003 at the Downtown in Farmindale, New York. This album was released free for download on the Quote UniqueSite Halloween 2006, but it was originally included as an enhanced cd extra on Three Cheers For Disappointment. The name is derived from the chorus of Karma Police, although the actual lyrics are "This is what you'll get."
1. Intro
2. 2+2=5
3. Airbag
4. Paranoid Android
5. You Bum Looker
6. My Iron Lung
7. Fitter Happier
8. No Suprises
9. Everything Is Terrible
10. Just
11. Exit Music (For A Film)
12. Fake Plastic Trees
13. Karma Police
14. Motion Picture Soundtrack
15. Encore and Smoking Fags
16. True Love Waits