The Birthday Party (originally known as The Boys Next Door) were an Australian post-punk group, active from 1976 to 1983. Hee Haw is compilation the Birthday Party's work between 1979's Dooor Door album (released under the band name the Boys Next Door) and their first "proper" album, 1981's Prayers On Fire. The earliest tracks were recorded in 1979 and are full of bizarre time signatures, weird herky-jerky rhythms, and obscure lyrics. By the time 1980 rolled around with the "Mr. Clarinet" single, things were much more focused--the band retained all of those earlier elements, but managed to put them together into a more controlled, but no less explosive, package. Later that year, the "Friend Catcher" single further honed this approach--Tracy Pew's thick, serpentine bass playing, Rowland Howard's alternately discordant and razor sharp guitars, and Phil Calvert's hammering drums. Over it all, Nick Cave's harrowing vocals delivered the obscure and intensely weird lyrics.
1. Mr. Clarinet
2. Happy Birthday
3. Hats on Wrong
4. Guilt Parade
5. Friend Catcher
6. Waving My Arms
7. Catman
8. Riddle House
9. Catholic Skin
10. Red Clock
11. Faint Heart
12. Death by Drowning
13. Hair Shirt